In this episode of AWSP’s Podcast, “A Matter of Principals,” AWSP Associate Director sits down with James Layman, Director of the Association of Washington Student Leaders, to discuss how to increase student voice in your school, and an idea for your next MLK assembly!
Toxic Positivity by Sarnika Ali, Student
What is toxic positivity? Toxic positivity is telling people to always stay positive even though their circumstances are is clearly not fitting the situation. Telling people everything’s always going to be okay and essentially having a positive spin on practically everything. It is like everyone posting on social media, only the good side of what’s going on in their lives.
"You are the Reason" by: Chase Buffington
Every day, a favorite in my life is when my entire family makes it back home from work. Stories, smiles, laughter, and the occasional wrestle by the 5- and 6-year-old boys. I admire their attitude over the last two years. Just going with the flow, finding joy in the little things, and I stopped tonight to say, “You are the reason.”
Three Steps for Systemic Change in our Schools by: Layla Jasper
Today we are seeing shifts in demographics, technology, globalization, and ideologies in general, all at the same time. With things evolving so quickly, it's normal to experience anxiety, uncertainty, fear, and even helplessness. Many teachers, administrators, principals, and other school staff don't quite feel equipped to lead in the face of such rapid changes and polarizing social landscapes. It's hard to know where to turn when we're all busy trying to create new norms, policies, and processes in our way as we go. It seems that any energy spent is getting through the day, with limited capacity to address larger, more systemic issues that we see in our schools and communities.
Creating A School Of Dancers, Not Devious Lickers
What is the "Devious Lick Challenge"? It is a challenge on TikTok, where students are encouraged to take something from their school; these items may include the bathroom sink, a soap dispenser, or even a teacher's desk. Schools have tried a multitude of ways to stop students, yet this challenge is just as popular today as ever. Clearly, many solutions aren't working. So, what is the solution?