Podcast: How to Celebrate MLK Day & Increase Student Voice in Your Schools

Podcast: How to Celebrate MLK Day & Increase  Student Voice in  Your Schools

In this episode of AWSP’s Podcast, “A Matter of Principals,” AWSP Associate Director sits down with James Layman, Director of the Association of Washington Student Leaders, to discuss how to increase student voice in your school, and an idea for your next MLK assembly!

Opportunity and Access: AWSL Aims to Serve

Opportunity and Access: AWSL Aims to Serve

2020 caused a seismic disruption to the way AWSL has served schools and students for decades. Our model of large gatherings of in-person events, camps, conferences, and retreats to be shifted, altered, and reimagined, not just for our survival as an organization, but to find new and creative ways to serve schools through a pandemic.

Nothing For US Without Us

Nothing For US Without Us

What happens when adults get out of the way and allow students opportunities to lead, speak their truths, and we as adults become the students?

Greatness. The Association of Washington Student Leaders’ mission has been to provide student leadership opportunities that support and increase the social success of all students. This past year, we internally asked ourselves, “How are we living our mission?” It began with the AWSL Student Voice and Advisory Council working alongside us, examining how AWSL can be more effective for students. This group of students worked with AWSP to provide student voice and stories to crucial issues taking place in our schools and the world.