Individuals involved with the Association of Washington Student Leaders will have the opportunity to learn, grow, and develop as leaders for themselves and their communities.

AWSL’s work is informed and inspired by the work of school leaders, which includes students, staff, and principals.

AWSL Mission, Vision, and Goals

AWSL Mission Statement:

Providing opportunities that support and increase the personal, academic and social success of each and every student. 

AWSL Vision:

We envision a world where each and every student is equipped with the skills and confidence to become impactful leaders and compassionate changemakers.

Our vision is a future where every voice is heard, every dream is achievable, and every community thrives through the collective power of students as leaders.

AWSL Belief Statement:

In order to promote personal, social and academic experiences for all, we…

  • We believe each and every person has the ability to lead in their homes, schools and communities.

  • We believe that each and every student can be a positive force of change, regardless of context.

  • We believe in examining, interrupting, and addressing patterns of historic and current oppression.

  • We believe all students can lead.

Our Why: 

We are committed to investing in people, developing programs, elevating student voice, and strengthening the belief that all students can lead. 

We endeavor to create opportunities and increase access, so each and every student can participate and lead. Analyzing school programs and offerings the AWSP Framework and context-driven leadership can lead to changes that result in increased student participation and engagement, especially from underrepresented student groups. 

AWSL supports schools by:

  • Creating opportunities for students to lead, represent, and reflect the demographics of the school.

  • Developing multiple opportunities and access points for all students to lead.

  • Promoting the ideal that all students can learn to lead, just like all students can learn math, English, social studies, and other content areas.

AWSL Standards

Organizational Goals - shared with AWSP and WSPEF

Collective why: School leadership matters. We exist to ensure schools have a culture of hope, systems that. culture, and collaborative learning. and leadership among students and adults.

Organizational Priorities:

  • Grow: Partner with other organizations to identify, recruit, and develop future school leaders with a focus on underrepresented groups.

  • Support: Support and equip all school leaders and staff with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to foster positive school culture, build equitable systems, and lead learning in their respective school contexts and communities.

  • Sustain: Support all principals, staff and students in their capacity to be effective long-term leaders, specifically in highly impacted schools where strong and consistent leadership is needed most.