Wenatchee HS | Oct. 28th

Session A: 12:00pm - 12:40pm | Session B: 1:30pm - 2:10pm


Self. Peers. Greater Community - and in that order! 

Session A and Session B

Presenter: Monica Haule (Everett Public Schools)

Description: Description - This session is designed to teach students how to help themselves FIRST before attempting to help anyone else, including their own friends and school community. Students will be provided with actionable steps to see themselves as valuable human beings with a culturally-affirming lens, discuss post-secondary school options, which may include attending an HBCU (historically Black college or university), HSI (Hispanic-Serving Institution) and how to use the tools at their disposal to positively impact their schools.

Learning Outcomes - Students will be able to identify one adult in their sphere for mentorships schools with possible pre-college programs an in-person experience and matriculation after their high school graduation and one barrier to dismantle at their schools to improve outcomes for all students.

What you need to know about School-based Threat Assessment?

Session A and Session B

Presenter: Nikki York and Ella DeVerse (OSPI)

Description: Students will be able to identify one adult in their sphere for mentorships schools with possible pre-college programs an in-person experience and matriculation after their high school graduation and one barrier to dismantle at their schools to improve outcomes for all students.

Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying: Prevention, Identification, and Reporting to Create a Positive School Climate

Session A & Session B

Presenter: Christian Stark (OSPI)

Description: This will be an interactive presentation where the presenters will provide information regarding the Washington state HIB law and engage attendees in problem solving and new approaches to the prevention of HIB in schools. The presentation will outline the policy and procedure, investigations, and important timelines to help attendees understand requirements and what their rights are in the process. The intent of this presentation is help OSPI provide more support to students and districts through the HIB process by engaging youth voice to hear their perspectives and suggestions and to help student leaders create a positive school culture and prevent HIB.

Understanding Capitol Classroom at TVW

Session A & Session B

Presenter: Michael M. Moran (TVW)

Description: The call for increase civility in our society has been happening over the last few years. The purpose of this workshop would be to introduce the concept of civic education through the Capital Classroom project at TVW.

We would explain the civics in education efforts by TVW, the use of Capitol Classroom in elementary through high school classes.

Challenge Your Calendar: Needs > Tradition

Session A and Session B

Presenter: Briana Kelly (OSPI & Mt. Olympus Leadership Camp)

Description: Think about the most challenging times of the year for students (physically, mentally, emotionally, socially). Now think about the events you organize to create a positive school community and culture. Do they match, or do you find yourself leaning on events "because it's tradition"? Learn a way Mt. Olympus Leadership Camp helps school groups process how to use student voice data to plan events based on the authentic needs of their school. You'll leave with a how-to guide and a list of ideas to get started!

Leadership starts with you, ends with community

Session A and Session B

Presenter: Isabelle Rhoads (Mission Peak Leadership Camp & Whitworth University)

Description: Leadership isn't just a one person job. Throughout my leadership experience I quickly realized that I couldn't do it alone. To be a leader is to build a team, create community and help EVERYONE flourish.

Creating a loving and inclusive school culture

Session A and Session B

Presenter: Jenissa Hepton, Nico Kitos (Wenatchee High School)

Description: We are hoping to speak about both the importance of creating a positive school culture as well as a few ways to easily do so. Such as morning doors, student interviews, and supporting ALL student body

Building School Community: Hispanic Heritage month and other events!

Session A and Session B

Presenters: Quincy High School ASB

Description: Working on building your school's culture and community through inclusive events?

We will share what we have done for Hispanic Heritage month, homecoming, daily practices that celebrate our students, and more!

Sources of Strength

Session A (Only)

Presenters: Lucy Forest, Elena Morales (Walla Walla High School)

Description: Sources of Strength is an upstream Suicide Prevention and Wellness program that our school supports, and we are really excited to share it with you. We'll model a meeting which is a third fun, one third sharing, and one third information about the program and how it supports mental health and wellness. Join us to learn about Empowering a Well World.

Club Support and Involvement

Session A (Only)

Presenters: Jose Lopez, Jonathan Venegas (Walla Walla High School)

Description: In this session we'll share ways that ASB works with and supports student Clubs on campus. You'll leave with ideas for generating Club competitions and activities which engage the whole community.

Energizers and Teambuilding

Session B (Only)

Presenters: Walla Walla High School ASB

Description: Come learn fun group teambuilding games with us! Poison Dart Frog, Name Game, Energy Ball, Bunny Bunny, Zip Bong and more! These are great for forming groups and communities. We'll share some highlights and spend the time playing!

SuperStar Celebrations

Session A and Session B

Presenters: Hector Guadarrama, Tito Rios, Alexandersoon Sanchez, Eduardo Ortega-Chavez, and Vikki Ruiz (Toppenish High School)

Description: Do you have students on your campus who can't attend Homecoming, Tolo's, Prom, and other events? Are these students in a self-contained classroom? At Toppenish High School we host various events for our students who can't attend these events. If you would like to know how to include and help all students celebrate milestone events like Homecoming, Tolo, Prom, and other holidays - Come and listen to our presentation.