AWSL Summer Programs Safety

As you consider AWSL Summer Programs for your children, the safety and well-being of each and every student is our top priority. AWSL has practices and policies regarding abuse prevention for each and every person connected to our programs.

AWSL Safety Statement

(Read at the beginning of each program):

Our top priority is the safety and well-being of each person at this event. Each and every person has the right to an environment free of harassment, intimidation, and bullying. The policy of the Association of Washington Student Leaders prohibits any verbal, electronic, or physical contact that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment or that substantially interferes with a delegate or staff member’s ability to participate. If, at any time, you feel threatened, harassed, or intimidated by another person on this campus, please notify one of the WSPEF/AWSL/Cispus Leadership Team, the director/chair, or a leadership staff member.

AWSL Summer Program Staff Agreement

(Each year all staff sign this as a condition of employment)

I agree to serve the summer session indicated above; I will exhibit appropriate behavior conducive to a professional work environment; I will act as a positive role model to all student participants; I will not allow other professional agreements or obligations to hinder my ability to fully execute the duties of my role or interfere with any camp activities. I understand that while it is not a state-sanctioned entity, the Association of Washington Student Leaders strives to honor and adhere to the educational, personal conduct, and environmental standards outlined by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Washington State Legislature. As such, I accept that a Washington State Patrol background check will be conducted on me, using the information provide. I testify that I am clear to work with youth and pose no risk to others., and that I have nothing in my personal or professional past that would prevent me from working with youth and other adults. I acknowledge and understand WSPEF’s Program Safety Statement and policy (seen above). I acknowledge that a violation of the statement and policy can include an investigation, suspension, or termination from AWSL programs in the future.

Abuse Prevention Policies and Procedures

  • All staff a required to take an abuse prevention training annually.

    • For educators in schools, the abuse prevention they take for their district is applied to their work with AWSL programs.

    • For all staff (including Junior & Residential Counselors) take abuse training through Abuse Prevention Systems.

Background Checks

  • Background checks (state and national) are conducted annually on all staff prior to the program taking place.


  • AWSL staffs summer programs one staff member for every seven students (1:7 ratio).

  • AWSL Summer Program staff in on campus 24 hours a day with students.

  • Junior/Residential Counselors stay in the dorms with students.

  • Each summer program has an on-site Health and Wellness person who is on campus 24 hours a day.

  • All staff, students, and employees wear name tags/badges as a seafety measure.


  • AWSL Summer Programs limit visitors during the program.

  • All visitors will check-in with the AWSL Office, and will sign-in and be required to wear a visitor badge.

  • Visitors are never permitted to interact with students unsupervised.


  • AWSL Summer Programs staff are mandatory reporters.

  • In the event of an incident, AWSL may contact a designated home or school contact person when appropriate. AWSL always adheres to legal protocols and reporting requirements to ensure proper handling of any situation.


  • If you have any questions, concerning AWSL’s Safety Protocols and Policies, please contact AWSL Director, James Layman.